There is no better way to recover from your own Omaha Half Marathon efforts – whether of the 21k, 10k or 5k variety – than to watch the enthusiasm and energy on display for the 2K Kids’ Dash. We expect a huge line up of adults to cheer on the kids as they take centre stage for 2K of thunder!

The Kids’ Dash starts on Taumata Rd, a safe and quiet cul-de-sac. At the end of the road, the kids join the footpath towards the beach and then turn onto the same coastal footpath used for the adult races earlier in the day. Just as they hit the half way mark – when the “eager” ones who sprinted at the start might be flagging a little – they will pass the event base where a huge crowd will be on hand to cheer them.

Soon after, a footpath take the kids onto the quiet footpaths of Paraoa Crescent with short loops around the turning circles in Paua Lane and Pipi Lane. At the end of Paraoa Cres the kids turn onto the Mangatawhiri Rd footpath to join any remaining runners and walkers in the 10k. Soon after, they make the turn into the reserve for the glorious final 250 metres to the finish line!

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All kids start together at 10:30am. Kids, there is no need to push to get to the front.
Most kids take around 10-15 minutes to finish and everyone should be in under 25 minutes.
Enough to tire them out but not so much they can’t make it to school on Monday!

Let’s Do This!